Male Anatomy Lessons
Prostate, or the prostate gland is an incredibly important organ of the male body. She is responsible for the quality of sperm and the ability to fertilize, normal erection and duration of intercourse, and in general, of course, for the guy's confidence in his male strength. If earlier it was believed that prostate inflammation threatens men over 40, now even 20-year-old guys are prescribed therapeutic prostate massage! And all because a sedentary lifestyle provokes stagnation in the pelvic organs and does not give the prostate the opportunity to receive normal nutrition and eliminate toxins.
Sitting at a computer, then driving home in a car, going up to the floor by an elevator and sitting at a computer again - not a single organism created for movement can withstand this, and even going to the gym three times a week will not solve this problem. By the way, do not experiment with prostate massage,
Move your body
Movement is needed to kick-start circulation and improve prostate function - for example, daily walking up the stairs, during which the glutes and pelvic floor muscles work.
Another very simple and useful action is to contract and relax the PC muscle, which pulls the testicles up and closes the anal sphincter. This movement, completely imperceptible from the outside, can and should be done daily, at least 200 times a day. Teach your boyfriend such exercises, and he will definitely thank you, because it will help him maintain his health, improve erection and even prolong sexual intercourse.
Nice and useful blowjob
Another nice way to take care of your boyfriend is to gently massage his testicles and perineum during a blowjob. Gently roll the testicles with your hands during caresses, gently squeezing them. Without stopping to caress his penis with your lips, massage his crotch with your hand, stroking it quite intensively from the anus to the very base of the penis, paying special attention to the point in the middle between the anus and the scrotum.
Such games are not only useful, but also incredibly pleasant - the effect on the prostate, even external, causes powerful orgasmic waves and pleasure is much richer and brighter than just from stimulating the penis and testicles. In addition, thanks to such experiments, you will give the guy the opportunity to experience all the delights of prostate massage and want something more!
We go in search
To do a more intense prostate massage, you need a good lubricant and a manicure with short nails so that nothing is damaged. Be sure to ask your boyfriend in advance in an unobtrusive manner if he will not be against such experiments, and in no case do not get to his fifth point without permission.
Ideally, if you start with a breathtaking blowjob and perineal massage, smoothly approaching the anus. Be sure to apply a generous amount of lubricant to your perineum and anus.
Gently and carefully insert your finger inside and at a depth of 4-7 cm, slowly sliding along the front wall, you can feel the prostate. It feels like a small embossed ball, about the size of a walnut.
Stroke it with your finger from the edges to the center and down to the outside - a couple of minutes of such stroking will lead to an intense release of a transparent liquid, the very secret of the prostate. By the way, you can try using special toys for this, prostate massagers.
If you do everything right, then, in combination with oral sex, such a massage will simply cause an explosive orgasm for your boyfriend - also with benefits for his health! But in case of painful sensations, asymmetry of the gland or an enlarged size, it is better to consult a specialist and make sure that everything is in order with health.